Radio Television Supreme
Radio Television Supreme
Welcome to Radio Television Supreme (RTV Supreme), the radio and television that is dedicated to modernizing the Haitian media.

Created in 2021 by John Steevens Estilien, RTV Supreme is an independent platform that values education.

Our purpose is to break away from the sensationalism in today’s media, and instead, focus on providing our listeners/viewers with well-researched, unbiased, high quality content.

We believe that the media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion, and we take that responsibility seriously.

With a wide range of programming including current events, music, art, interviews, educational and cultural discussions, we strive to be a trusted voice in the Haitian media landscape.

Join us on this journey as we are here to modernize, educate, and inspire.

Tune in to RTV Supreme.

Support Your Broadcaster

As you know, we are an independent broadcast station. For us, It has always been hard to maintain our broadcast without your support. To support us, please click to the donate button and then choose the app you’ll donate with. Thank you very much!

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Radio Television Supreme

Radio Television Supreme

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Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas. May peace, love, prosperity follow you always.

December 24, 2022


Zeno Media is making some changes to the streaming services! Some services may be affected during this time. Thanks for your patience dear listeners!

September 3, 2022


Dear listeners, thanks for choosing "Radio Television Supreme" HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022.

January 1, 2022